| Elson Lecture Terry Winters: Notes on Painting A prodigious painter, draftsman, and printmaker, Winters has pushed the boundaries of modern art while maintaining a keen sense of history and craft. The Gallery owns two important paintings by Winters: Bitumen (1986) and Composition (1991). (Image: Terry Winters, Bitumen, detail, 1986, oil on linen, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Richard S. Zeisler Fund) April 14, 3:30 East Building Auditorium
| Concerts Free Sunday concerts include the Inscape Chamber Music Project playing Olivier Messiaen's famous Quartet for the End of Time on April 3; the Venice Baroque Orchestra with the final musical tribute to Venice: Canaletto and His Rivals on April 10; and a cappella works by Frank Martin and other composers on April 17. On April 28 (a special Thursday noon concert), the Tetzlaff-Weithaas violin duo plays music by Bartok, Ysaye, and others. (Image: Venice Baroque Orchestra, photo by Matteo da Fina) April 3, 10, 17, 6:30 West Building, West Garden Court April 28, 12:10 East Building Auditorium
| Gauguin: Maker of Myth Video Podcasts Narrated by Willem Dafoe and with Alfred Molina as the voice of Paul Gauguin, this film was made in conjunction with the exhibition Gauguin: Maker of Myth. It explores the artist's search for an authenticity he felt missing in modern Europe, which led him to Brittany, Martinique, and Polynesia. Watch the film in four parts.
National Gallery of Art 6th Street & Constitution Avenue NW Washington, DC 20565 | Map Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-6pm Admission is always free www.nga.gov Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@ngadc) | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Forward to a friend |
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