At the end of the Two-day Intensive Management
Training Program on ENHANCING WORKERS’
Participants will learn how to :
---Improve their Attitude, Skills and Knowledge in the
effective performance of their official duties;
---develop sound Time Management Skills that will enhance
job performance without lagging behind in any assignment;
---conduct Performance Appraisals for Adjustment
where need be;
---utilize the strength of Power Delegation to get jobs done
on schedule;
--- develop Leadership and Team Building Skills that will improve
human capital output without spending extra resources;
---acquire professional Emotional Intelligence that
results into organizational goal attainment;
---conduct effective self-assessment and improve on weak areas;
--- focus more on organizational objectives and
become very organized for excellent job performance;
---handle employee confrontations in a calm and professional
manner without stress or uncontrolled anger;
---contribute intelligently at meetings, develop good
listening skills, issue instructions that will be understood
first time by recipients; and
--- provide the management with relevant information
that will enhance organizational progress .
- Performance Management
- Time Management and Effective Delegation
- Leadership and Team Building Skills
- Work Ethics, Mental Alertness and Commitment to organizational Goals
- Emotional Intelligence
- Effective Communication Skills that promote Productivity
- Stress and Anger Management
Attendance open to both Male and Female who are
Administrative Officers, Team Leaders, Heads of
Establishments and Departments, Managers,
Development Officers, Human Resource Officers
and Program Coordinators in Public, Private,
Educational, Corporate and Voluntary Institutions.
Accreditation : WOTI is Certified by the Centre for
Management Development (CMD), Nigeria as an
Accredited Management Training Institution.
Resource Persons will be WOTI Training Consultants and
Experienced Professionals from Local, National and
International Agencies.
Training Aids will include but not limited to projectors
and screen, flip charts, magic boards, computers and
other multi-media and audio-visual aids.
Methodology will involve lecture, role play, demonstration,
discussion and other methods suitable for the target
audience. Program will be highly inclusive,
interactive and participatory.