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The Evil Empire

'Nero fiddles while Rome burns...'

All despots of epoch defining empires should be adept at fiddling. One day their meglomania and arrogance will result in their downfall; and when this happens there would be nothing better to do than fiddle - it may be useless, but it would pass the time pleasurably.

There have been many empires throughout history. The Romans gave the world sewage and slaughter. The Spanish; religion and slaughter. Not to be outdone the British empire gave the world slavery and slaughter. If one was to ponder the existence of empires now one would see that they are not relegated to the realms of fable and history - dictators across the oil rich lands of the Middle East battle it out with money-hungry CEO's and remorseless bankers; all seek to enslave the world in a constant toil for their own profitablity. There are more empires now vying for a universal power than has ever been before; their money keeps the law-makers and politicians in their pockets and they are free to excercise their rights above the law. However there is a line in the sand that the people won't allow to be crossed. When their arrogance and disdain leads them across this line the people, as seen in the case of certain executives in a torrid-media dynasty, are more than willing to stop these power hungry dictats.

Art as a language and form of communication and expression offers a voice to those oppressed by these regimes. It is through the freedom of art that suffocated voices can be heard.

by John Greene

for more info contact Paul on paul@londonart.co.uk or give us a call 020 7738 3867

Darth Vader by Andy Househam
Mount UFO by Keith Ashley Ward

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