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Devious Tips from deviantART!


Hello omssart,

We want to help you make the most of your deviantART experience! There are many ways to get involved as an artist, or an art enthusiast.

Customize your profile:

Upload an avatar and customize your personal Profile Page.

Customize your profile

Submit Artwork (aka deviations):

Share your artwork and receive feedback from a creative community of millions.

Submit Artwork (aka deviations)

Write a journal:

Express your innermost thoughts and feelings â€" or write about a great artist you found!

Write a journal

Browse the shop:

Buy beautiful art to hang on your walls or deck yourself out in the latest deviantWEAR.

Browse the shop

Member-created tutorials are available here to help you easily integrate into the deviantART community!

See? There's no excuse to delaying any longer! Get started on discovering your deviousness today!

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