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London artist of the week

I challenge your eye not to get caught by these works. It is rare to find a portfolio that sings with such unabashed joy and energy as demonstrated by these incredible paintings. The collisions of colours and riotous forms cast a spell on the viewer, enticing them in and keeping their attention for a great length of time.

Certainly, these works would bring a slice of psychedelic energy and an unbelievable bolt of light to any room. Whether playing with optical perspective or using a mixture of imagined and natural shapes, these paintings dance with a special energy that passes itself into the viewer. The complexity of these images creates endless fascination, with each look guaranteed to unveil a new detail or symmetrical pattern. Under this complexity lies a simple desire to communicate the sheer unadulterated joy of being alive.

The bright blues and pinks of '2nd Class Letter' show the artist's deep understanding of the relationship between colours. Here, different shades blend and contrast to create a harmonious effect which contrasts distinctly from the illusionary effect of the chequered pattern.

In 'All Odd' the shapes are more important, with a set of spheres and tubes creating a modern atmosphere, perhaps bringing to mind an industrial setting. Again, the reds, blues and purples combine to create a vivid canvass that seems to leap out at the viewer. A more natural world is hinted at in 'Berliners Gluck' with the organic shapes and forms follow the shape of flowers or the floor of some colourful forest. These are certainly not paintings for the feint of heart, and nor are they subtle, but one thing is for sure; they pack one hell of a punch. If you are interested in owning a slice of radiance, you should look no further than the portfolio of Kawada.

for more information contact Paul on paul@londonart.co.uk


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