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Few elements have captured the attention of artists quite as fiercely as water. Whether it is for the reflective beauty or the endlessly beguiling image of the distant seaside horizon, this subject has fascinated artists for as long as they've been painting. Nothing quite compares to the gorgeous idyll of the bright Mediterranean sunlight reflecting on the flickering ocean in the middle of summer. Water gives us life and we are instinctively drawn to collections of it, whether in rivers, streams, ponds or ports. Most people gaze onto the ever changing surface and feel moved or inspired. The collection of paintings here show off this subject wonderfully, whether it is harbour-sides, babbling brooks or the winter's frost dancing on the surface of a stream. Whether capturing the figurative shapes of boats and canals, or using the subject as a starting point for capturing the abstract beauty of a shimmering pool, our artists create fantastic works or interest and beauty.

For further details contact Paul on paul@londonart.co.uk

020 7738 3867

Horacio Cardozo   Morning Sun on prow
Jacqueline Read     Blue water

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