| Nancy Graves, Agualine, 1980 Throughout her career, Graves (1935-1995) mined the world of natural science for her imagery. A compound of the Spanish word for "water" and the English "line," the title of this recent acquisition from the Collection of Robert and Jane Meyerhoff is an invented term that calls to mind Roman aqueducts or the frenetic movement of underwater life. East Building, Auditorium Lobby www.nga.gov/collection/acquisitioninfo.htm
| Podcasts of the 51st A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts by Michael Fried In spring 2002, Michael Fried, J. R. Herbert Boone Professor and director of the Humanities Center at The Johns Hopkins University, presented The Moment of Caravaggio, a six-part series exploring what Fried calls "the internal structure of the pictorial act" in the revolutionary art of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. The accompanying publication is available from the Gallery Shops.
| My Faraway One: Selected Letters of Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz Volume One, 1915–1933 Few couples in the history of 20th-century American art and culture are more prominent than Georgia O'Keeffe (1887–1986) and Alfred Stieglitz (1864–1946). Between 1915 and 1946 they wrote more than 5,000 letters to each other. This long-awaited volume features some 650 letters, carefully selected and annotated by Sarah Greenough, senior curator of photographs, National Gallery of Art.
| Attention school groups and tours! The Cascade Cafe offers an affordable selection of soups, salads, specialty entrees, wood-fired pizzas, sandwiches, and desserts. For those with limited time, prepackaged lunch boxes containing a sandwich, chips, cookie, and a beverage may be ordered in advance. For information about boxed lunches and group lunch vouchers, call (202) 712-7458. (Image: Waterfall, Cascade Cafe, designed by I. M. Pei) Monday–Saturday, 11:00–3:00 Sunday, 11:00–4:00 East Building Concourse www.nga.gov/ginfo/cafes.htm#cascade
| Diamonstein-Spielvogel Lecture Series: Ann Hamilton Ann Hamilton explores her nearly 30-year career during which she has made multimedia installations with stunning qualities and quantities of materials. Often using sound, found objects, and the spoken and written word, as well as photography and video, her objects and environments invite us to embark on sensory and metaphorical explorations of time, language, and memory. (Image: Ann Hamilton, courtesy Ann Hamilton Studio) September 16, 3:30 East Building Auditorium www.nga.gov/programs/lectures/#diamonsteinspielvogel www.nga.gov/podcasts/diamonstein-spielvogel/index.htm
| Film Series This Other Eden: Ireland and Film Relationships between narrative story-telling and real life are portrayed in the complex world of Irish cinema by observing facets of Irish history, mythology, and emigration from a multitude of perspectives. Prints are from the Irish Film Archive and presented in cooperation with IFI International and with support of Culture Ireland’s "Imagine Ireland: A Year of Irish Arts in America 2011." (Film still from The Dead, courtesy Photofest) September 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25 Times vary East Building Auditorium www.nga.gov/programs/film/thisothereden.htm
| The Seventieth Concert Season On September 18, the Rome Trio plays music of Dvorak, as the Gallery collaborates with the Embassy of the Czech Republic to honor the 170th anniversary of the composer's birth. On September 25, Harmonious Blacksmith performs Italian arias from Monteverdi to Haydn with soprano Kate Vetter Cain and tenor Ole Hass in honor of Italian Master Drawings from the Wolfgang Ratjen Collection, 1525–1835.
| Declaration of Independence: The Stone Copy To preserve the original appearance of the Declaration of Independence, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams commissioned Washington engraver, William J. Stone, to execute the engraved copperplate facsimile, from which 200 copies on parchment were issued to surviving signers, government officials, and others. One of only 31 surviving copies is on view near American artist Gilbert Stuart's portraits of Declaration of Independence signers John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Through September 5 West Building, Main Floor, Gallery 60A www.nga.gov/declaration
| In the Tower: Nam June Paik Drawn from Paik's (1932–2006) estate as well as from the Gallery's own collection, the exhibition of 20 works centers on one of his most dynamic pieces, One Candle, Candle Projection (1988–2000). The adjoining room features works on paper and a short film about the artist.
National Gallery of Art 6th Street & Constitution Avenue NW Washington, DC 20565 | Map Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-6pm Admission is always free www.nga.gov Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@ngadc) | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Forward to a friend |
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