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Enchantment is Now Available

My latest book, Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions, is now available. It explains how to create delightful, voluntary, and mutually-beneficial relationships with people. Here’s what three luminaries said about it:

Steve Wozniak “Read this book to create a company as enchanting as Apple.”
Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple
Sir Richard Branson “Guy’s book captures the importance—and the art—of believing in an idea that delivers something entirely unique to the customer. The power of a really good idea to transform the marketplace and individual customer experiences is huge, and this book offers a wealth of insights to help businesses and entrepreneurs tap into that potential.”
Sir Richard Branson, Founder of the Virgin Group
Robert Scoble “You feel it when you drive a BMW, touch an Apple iPad, walk into a Sephora store, or buy shoes from Zappos. Kawasaki reveals how you can deliver the same enchanting experiences as these famous brands.”
Robert Scoble, Rackspace Videoblogger

I hope that this topic, well, enchants you. The book is great for organizations that are introducing products, closing sales, and establishing brands. You can order it at these websites.


Guy Kawasaki


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